Sunday, 9 March 2014

Update IX : MH370 debris detected by China Gov

China Govt. Claimed that they had detected debris of MH370 at nearby Kelantan.? Is it true?
It is posibility that the airplane did "the air turn back"

Read the radar record by Herald radar.

Link at here

Link here

Update VIIi : MAS Flight MH370 performed air turn back

Update on 9.3.2014 at 1300h via Life telecast fromASTRO Awani

PC at 1300h
1. Air turn back
Chief Razali MRAF : we are major stake holder in SnR, baffle in signal, we ve done the evaluate radar recording and not denying the posibilities the plane made air turn back

-We're getting assistance from Boeing and we better not speculate.
- only confirmed two using default passport
- if turn back mening that the pilot cannot acomplish his objective and need to call the centre and we found no distress call

- due to air turn back, detected in air force data, calloborated with some part civillian radar, and other international radar, we believed big posibility had made air turn back, and due to that we also increased our land SnR

2. cCtV at airport
Only two passengers using defult passport, and the images of other 2 using default passport being investigate

3. assets used for
- asset use to cover wide space: without reducing  our patrolling but need to increase SnR,  we got 22 aircrafts, 40 ships, 11 aircraft from navy, and so on plus our fiends country

Next pc will be at 3pm

Update VII : MAS Flight MH370, 4 names suspected and FBi involvement

As on 11.45am broadcastingby ASTRo Awani, recorde PC early this morning reaveled that:
1. There are two names which  for boarding intonthe plane. One Austrian and another Italian
2. at he end of PC and during Q and Answer, being highlighted another names total 4 names been identified instead of an Italian and and Austrian .
3. acting ministry of Transportation, Hishamudin Hussain quited that ghe Govt. Of Malaysia will provide more details in next PC scheduled at 1.00 pm Local time.

So who area the 4 passengers qouted?

two Europeans - Austrian Christian Kozel and Italian Luigi Maraldi - who, according to their foreign ministries, were not in fact on the plane.
The theory : if both Luigi Miraldi and Christian Kozel not the persons boarding to the plane and who the other two (2) bearing the passport and on board to the MH370? This Mr X and Y seem strange to us.

In AStro Awani news at 1130h, Austia Ambassador Christophe Ceska confirmed that Mr Kozel  not in the plane .
During the tele conversation, the 'crawler'  stated that two FBIs had arrive in Malaysia . Their purpose of  foot stepping to Malaysia are to identified the passengger and  to photo fit  passenger images with terrorist croos reference internatiol data.

Now the investigation is zooming to what caused the crashed and chances of terrorist in the view of  US Govt/FBI

Update VI : MAS Flight MH370 crashed

Update 10.32h at 9.3.2014

A lot of thery now !!!!!

Malaysian plane presumed crashed; questions over false IDs by Reuters
They believed this because no "mayday" and "distressed call" made by the plane.
My comment is maybe the plane had a communication breakdown at that moment. To get full story please click link here


Update V : MH 370 missing....Prime Minister Najib Press Conference

Update at 18:50h 8.3.2014 via TV3

1. All military asset being used for search and rescue - Minister of Finance, Hishamudin Hussein Onn
2. 80% family involved in missing plane being informed- acting minister of transportation
3. family to the victims will  fly by air line co to crashed area
4. Vietnam confirmed the location of crashed at Tho CHu Island